역대 세계 최고 판매 휴대폰 순위는 모르겠고..
2007년 7월 세계 최고 판매 휴대폰 순위 자료 구했습니다~
2007년 7월...... 세계에서 가장 많이 팔린 휴대폰 톱10
노키아... 정말 대단하네요..
Top 10 World’s Best Selling Cellular Phones in July 2007
Krusell, a Swedish company that designs, distributes and markets innovative and user-friendly carrying cases for cellular phones, estimate the top 10 world’s best-selling of cellular phones in July 2007 by looking at its sales volume. One of the most interseting part about this list is iPhone isn’t in top 10. Surprisingly, the best-selling phone goes to Nokia 6300 which is a plain candy-bar shaped phone.
10) Nokia 5500 Sports
9) SonyEricsson K750
8) Nokia 6233
Features and Specifications: 2.0-MP digital camera, QVGA (240 x 320 resolution) Screen, and 2GB Micro-SD Expansion Slot
7) BlackBerry Pearl 8100C/G/V
6) BlackBerry RIM 8300 Curve
5) SonyEricsson W880
Features and Specifications: 2-inch QVGA 262K TFT Screen, 2.0-MP digital camera, and Walkman 2.0 Media Player
4) Nokia N73
3) Nokia N95
Features and Specifications: GPS support, WLAN support, and 5.0-MP digital camera
Features and Specifications: 3.2-MP digital camera with Xeon light.
1) Nokia 6300 |
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